Heating systems: advice, adjustments, maintenance

The heating systems are particularly suitable for self-family homes. When buildings have more than 3-4 apartments is more convenient the central heating system, coupled to a system of individual accounts of the heat (so you pay according to the consumption of each family), as, for equal heat, a central boiler is more efficient of all the individual plants.

The heating is regulated by Decrees 412/93 and 551/99. The manager is the householder (owner or tenant), which is responsible for the security and the efficient management of the system.

At the plant manager is entrusted with the task of:

• maintain the limit of 20 ° C (± 2 ° C) internal temperature of the house, respecting the annual period of ignition;

• ensuring that the annual maintenance of the system and provide for biennial inspections of the combustion efficiency;

• compile and maintain the plant handbook that must be available in case of control by the municipality or the Province;

• replacement of the boiler, if maintenance strategies have failed to maintain performance metrics within the minimum level required by law.

The adjustment of the Internal Temperature of the House


In the heating delicate a function to avoid wasting heat and

save on fuel is entrusted to the system for adjusting the internal temperature of the house.

The adjustment has the task of keeping constant the temperature of the environments to vary the outside weather conditions and in relation to the presence of internal heat sources (crowding of people, ovens or household appliances running, etc..).

The ideal temperature (and legal), is around 20 ° C lower temperatures worsen the comfort and the higher ones lead to a waste of energy.

The control system is composed of a simple thermostat which acts on the quantity of heat supplied by the boiler. The thermostat stops the operation of the boiler when the internal temperature of the house, measured by special sensors, deviates from the set value. If the autonomous system will serve a home that is spread over several floors, you should also install the zone valves that control the operation of a system component by a second thermostat.


Thermostatic Valves

An even more effective way to improve the control system of the house and reduce consumption, is to install on each radiator thermostat valves, in place of those manuals.

The thermostatic valve automatically regulates the inflow of hot water to each radiator according to the temperature selected and set on a special graduated knob. The valve closes gradually the temperature

in the room, as measured by a sensor built into the valve itself, is close to that desired.

These devices make it possible to differentiate the temperature room by room, avoiding waste of energy. For example, you may decide not to heat the kitchen, where there are already other sources of heat, you can set a lower temperature in the bedrooms and a higher one in the bathroom, or you can leave the radiators open to a minimum when out of the house, you can heat up less when there are many people in the house or when the sun on a clear day is enough to heat some rooms.


The Plant Maintenance and Testing the Efficiency of Combustion

The law requires you to perform maintenance of the heating system at least once a year. The annual maintenance ensures the safety and efficiency of the system over time: a boiler unregulated asset produces less heat and consume more fuel.

The law is also intended to carry out every two years to verify the combustion efficiency of the boiler. This measures the values ​​of atmospheric emissions to the environment and indicates the efficiency with which the boiler burns fuel. The burning test is also used to verify the efficiency of the flue and to avoid feedback of the exhaust gas, which could be a source of dangerous accidents.

The maintenance and testing are entrusted to a company enabled. The best way is to enter into a contract that provides a preventative maintenance:

• preventive, because it is better to prevent failures and malfunctions, which cause discomfort (block heater) and sometimes danger, and because prevention often means spending less;

• programmed, because it is good that the operations are carried out regularly, on a date agreed, preferably before the start of the heating season.


The Contract Maintenance of Heating Plant

To conduct the heating system according to the law, you should make sure that the contract with the company providing:

• the execution of all maintenance required to ensure the safe and proper operation of all plant equipment;

• The two-year trial of the combustion efficiency;

• the maintenance and updating of the book system, by the technician of the company;

• the company's commitment to act quickly in case of emergency calls due to sudden failures;

• the release of the Model H after each intervention, to be sent to the City or Province charge of the control, containing the transactions and a statement that such interventions were performed in accordance with the law.

The time required to properly carry out all these operations can vary between 20 and 40 provided with actual work: a shorter time may be a sign of a job done with little care.

You should make sure that the fee required by the company for annual maintenance is fair and appropriate in the working time actually used.




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