Situation of the diffusion of the cloud computing among companies for 2011

Overview of the current investment in Cloud Computing by Italian and foreign companies. Let's see what are the advantages and benefits but also the doubts of the companies and the possible risks.

It seems to be the solution of the future but at the moment there are still few, especially in Italy, companies are turning to cloud computing. It is a set of technologies that allow you to store, store and process data (via CPU or software) through the use of hardware and software resources distributed and virtualized on the Web According to many experts, these technologies pose the greatest technological evolution offered by Internet network.

Despite the simplification of data management within companies, only 20% of them decided to adopt cloud solutions, cutting fixed costs and management. From the Symantec report, multinational corporation that specializes in developing applications for the security of the data shows that fewer than one out of five for the moment, the businesses that have opted for the cloud, while, according to the Report, the 75-81 % of the sample is in the evaluation phase.

It 's true, in fact, that adopt cloud computing means cost savings exemplify the management data, but it is also true that the process of change would still teething problems that could have a major impact on a company itself. It is used to a new but, as often happens with all the news we need to get used to at the beginning may cause many problems and this transition would not enhance their competitiveness.

To curb the success of cloud computing in Italian companies are the security risks, because if on the one hand, 83% of respondents think that the move to the cloud can increase its security at the same time, 78% of respondents afraid of not achieving appropriate levels of security.

The risks are more scared of theft by hackers (56%), the insider sharing (55%) and malware (51%). Other barriers to increased use of cloud is related to poor training of IT staff: more than half of Italian companies surveyed (56%), in fact, admits that your IT staff is not ready for the cloud and only a small percentage of between 12 % and 13% consider the staff to be very prepared. What is missing would be the experience: only one person out of 4 of the IT team (25%) had some experience with the cloud.

The difficulty of migrating to cloud computing is not just Italian: the situation of Italy, in fact, reflects the global one, where most of the companies, while appreciating the potential that cloud solutions can offer, they are still hesitant about their future. Everything depends, probably, from the fact that these same solutions are actually still being developed and improvements but the forecast for the future does not seem to deter those who have decided to focus on the cloud.




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