Home automation: what it is, what benefits it provides

The discipline that deals with the study of technologies to improve the quality of life in the home through automation.

With a system you can control and manage multiple devices within the home, safety (gas leaks, fire, flood, intrusion, CCTV, technical alarms, emergency calls), air conditioning (boilers, air conditioners, temperatures in the various environments), lighting, engines (curtains, blinds, shutters, overhead doors, gates, doors), electrical outlets, electrical consumption, communication (telephony / data, video-intercom), multimedia (TV SAT, home cinema, audio broadcasting / video), irrigation, appliances, etc..


This can be done by software that operates the plant, a real control center via sms manageable via the Internet, by phone or by voice control. Some systems also allow the use of a simple wireless handheld.

The system handles the communications into and out of the house. Phone calls or intercom, internal or external, are automatically routed to the correct devices. A simple gateway provides the connection to broadband Internet access to home automation equipment or computers antenna for data transmission and remote control.

MyHome system offers the possibility of managing the house through the My Home Web site will allow you to control, activate Switch off the equipment and also the office and using a PDA connected to the Internet.


The home automation controller is the device in many cases with a Linux operating system, where the software is installed. May have a small hard drive and an Ethernet or Wifi. It will also install Web Server to manage the plants via the browser to check the house via the web.

Another key component is the bus, a device that transmits the information from the controller to the system. A true data line that connects the various devices in the home, they are like the nodes of the network of computers.

The bus in some cases do not activate the device in a direct way, in the case of a lamp will be turned on from the switch that will send the information to the bus which in turn will be transposed to the controller. This allows the complete knowledge on the part of the home automation controller of what happens inside the house.

You can issue commands automatic, if there is a specific event or planned, the lights of the driveway or garden irrigation are examples of scheduled event.


These days security is one of the main topics of discussion, make your home a safe and controlled is almost essential.

Home automation can better manage different solutions, we can integrate the alarm with the plants throughout the house. Not only normal occupancy sensors but cameras that can send images remotely, all controlled and programmed via the controller.

There is only the security intrusion, but also the environment. Can be implemented protections for inconvenience due to gas leaks, floods and fire. Flood detectors are used in the local water supply, such as kitchens, bathrooms and boiler rooms. They are used also smoke detectors in rooms with possible risk of fire.

Costs and benefits

The cost affects a lot on the decision to adopt such a system, we try to estimate the costs to be incurred for a new plant in a home under construction.

Cost home automation system around a 10/30% from the traditional one. A thousand euro for the controller and the software configured, bus cards.

The main costs are the motorization of blinds, doors, shutters, overhead doors, gates and devices of the alarm system.

The certainty of a home safer is the first benefit that can bring a similar plant, hold monitored several parameters allows to reduce accidents in the home. The energy savings derived from the computerized management of the heating, cooling and lighting while minimizing waste.

Of course, the benefits can pay back the initial expenditure at first can be targeted to the security and savings, after providing for any extension under construction will add on controls and automation systems.





Translated via software




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