What are the incentives for the installation of a photovoltaic system and how to use them

The news these days, report the serious consequences that the meteorological phenomena are causing to our national energy system.

In light of these events becomes more and more important to spread with greater commitment plants for the production of energy from renewable sources.

Fortunately in our country there is a fairly comprehensive legislation regarding incentives to the diffusion of renewable energy. The main purpose of this is related to the photovoltaic better known as the "Conto Energia". We arrived in his fourth (4) version that is expected to end in 2016, subject to early achievement of the share incentive power before this date.

Leaving aside the complicated mechanisms that govern the operation of this legislation we consider useful the following summary.


The incentive rates from the "Conto Energia" - DM 05, 2011 provide that each KWh produced the PV system is encouraged, both for direct consumption by the user, both in case it is injected into the network. The rates vary with the power plant and the type of integration choice.



These incentives have a term of twenty years (20) since dell'allaccio by the local distributor to the national grid. As you can see are divided into classes of installed power (1 kW up to 5,000 kW) and when placed on roofs and / or on the ground. Also you can see that the difference of incentive tends to decrease with the passage of time and according to the installed power.



To access these incentives and must register with the portal of the GSE (Electrical Services) and follow a whole series of requirements rather complicated and laborious. For this reason we do not recommend the practice of "do it yourself" but to rely on countless companies and / or professionals on the market that will play all their own. In fact, the cheapest form is the "turnkey" where we rely on chosen company that will take care of the realization of the work is related questions to technical and bureaucratic agencies.

Besides the demand for incentive indicated above must apply for connection to the local electricity distributor, to the common and / or various entities (county, park authorities, the mountain community, etc.) and build an electrical project in accordance with the regulations and Uni-En Iso. In short, the installation is the easy part.

Incentives can access both private and legal persons (holders of VAT), while the taxation of financial income arising from these plants are calculated according to their profile of income.



Recall that the allocation of funds indicated above is subject to the proper functioning of the system, ie our panels must "effectively" produce electricity that is "counted" by a special meter located downstream of the plant itself. On the basis of quantities produced have the GSE will pay the cash contribution by crediting the payment every six (6) months on the current account of the owner. Of course you can change at any time their bank prior notice to the GSE.

Of vital importance, therefore, the smooth operation of our plant would not otherwise access to incentives with severe impact on the income statement provided in the project execution stage.



The photovoltaic system it is possible to "move" in the space of twenty (20) years for many different reasons (building renovation, replacement roofs, change the intended use of the land etr) although it is always advisable not to perform this operation, or at least minimize it saw the costs involved in moving and non-production installation itself.

In conclusion we can safely say that the PV system, as well as being a good financial investment, allows a good energy self-sufficiency (even with temperatures below zero as now) because it always works when there is no light (do not think there is "sun" just the light of day), reduces our CO2 emissions and allows us to save money in case we decide to use it for self-consumption (option trading on the spot).





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