
Removing asbestos in the building: Legislative Decree 81/08

Published on the web guidelines related to the work plan for the removal of asbestos and a model plan for the removal of asbestos cement. The novelty of the corrective and the deadline of 28 February.

Legislative Decree 81/2008 dedicated to the protection from risks related to exposure to asbestos Chapter III included in Title IX "Dangerous" and gives precise information to the employer in relation to its obligations, for example, the obligation - in demolition or asbestos removal - the preparation of a specific work plan.

Construction sites: brochure which contains information on regulations, documentation, organization

Available for construction sites a booklet which contains information on the technical and regulatory documentation, management and organization of the site, the type of processing, caps, equipment and electrical installations.

With the goal of providing professionals and companies in the construction sector detailed information on the application of the rules on the protection of health and safety on construction sites and updated to the changes introduced by Legislative Decree, 106/2009, has been realized " Notebook safety on construction sites. "

New trends in the design of industrial architectural environments

Industrial design has become nowadays a real booming and continues to grow. The attention to the forms and new trends, with regard to both external and internal design of industrial architectural environments, it's interesting and attracts more and more not only professionals but also individual citizens intrigued by the evolution of the surrounding urban fabric.

You hear more and more talk of urban renewal both in urban central and peripheral industrial and becomes more and more alive and pressing a tendency to enhance the urban environment and landscape of the area, taking advantage of new materials and technical knowledge. This is also thanks to recent studies in the field of technical innovation of non-bearing structures and functional but still important for the proper functioning and aesthetics of the building, an example are the ski lifts. These mobile facilities that enrich the exterior and interior design, able to enrich the charm and design of the entire building. Just think of the success of a few years ago by the construction of the Museum of Contemporary Art G. Pompidou in Paris, where the colored external piping and the large pipe that runs through the entire facade are the peculiarities and authenticity.

What are the renovations that will save energy?

The last few months have brought many innovations on the regulatory side, so let's see what are the main interventions feasible and incentives to which you can access with the relative costs and benefits in terms of energy consumption.

"With few exceptions, our homes are containers full of holes that we continue to replenish the energy in an attempt to maintain a level of satisfactory temperature. Structural interventions are needed to reverse the course, "reflects Daniela Petrone, architect and vice president of Anit (National Association for Thermal and Acoustic Insulation), which specializes in architecture and energy savings in buildings. "An apartment built in the sixties or seventies consumes up to 270 kWh per square meter per year, one made in the nineties between 120 and 150 kWh, while a well-insulated building today can reduce consumption between 20 and 50 kWh." Indicative figures that help to secure the necessary starting point for any intervention: to know how much your home consumes is critical to structure the most appropriate intervention. An answer to this effect comes from the consultation of the last bills.

Home purchase: signing the notarial deed electronically

Go forward with great strides the progressive digitization process of the majority of the acts and documents.

The most recent step has just been launched by the Council of Ministers: it is the legislative decree that allows the signing of the deed for the purchase of a property via the Internet.

The procedure is very simple, though, for obvious reasons of sensitivity of the matter, it was necessary to a thorough examination.

New service to download floorplan manufactured from the Internet

The Territory Agency has announced an upcoming service usable by email (although it has not yet been made known the date from which it will be available).

In practice, the majority of parties entitled to use the Agency's electronic services have the ability to directly request on the Internet the plan of any building registered at the Land Registry. In this way, you would save a lot of time to cater to the checks and updates registry, and you should also free up human resources for the Agency that could then be more usefully allocated to other functions.

Regulation 2011 building renovation

Here are some useful information that will allow you to do so under the new regulation respecting entered into force (Act 73 of 22/5/2010 who commuted the DL 40/2010).

What the law requires? You can make your building renovations without having to Home Activity Report provided it does not interveniate of structural parts of the building, that there is no change in the intended use, which does not increase the volume and does not violate the standards earthquake or municipal zoning specifications. I am talking about works such as repaving, installation of solar panels, replacement of sanitary ware, removal of architectural barriers and finishing of parts of the interior spaces.

Mandatory training for safety in construction

As of January 1, 2009 has been made mandatory for construction companies to train new hires prior to inclusion in the yard.

As of January 2009, in fact, each worker at the first entry in this field must, before taking in business, receive training by trade and security-conscious than 16 hours at the nearest Building School.

This is an important innovation introduced by the social partners - by ANCE and other business associations with FENEAL-UIL, FILCA FILLEA-CGIL-CISL and - in the last National Collective Labour construction. The campaign of information and communication on 16 hours, is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies and Inail and leans to a website where you can find all the information to fulfill regulatory .

Doubts unconstitutional SCIA

The notes for clarification of the Ministry of Simplification - contained in the circular of 16 September and on the applicability of the Certified Report of Activities beginning in the building - not dissolve the doubts generated by replacing the DIA with the new qualifying title. Several problems encountered in the practical application of the Shah, many regulatory gaps that the new institution - as introduced by L.122/2010 and despite the ministerial notes - still presents.

Motivated counter-institutional interventions, designed to shed light on the subject, come ANCI Toscana and the Infrastructure and Public Works ANC, both united by the same goal: a reminder of the urgent need to implement the Wake of the text only ' building (Decree 380/2001).

GSE Guide for architectural integration of photovoltaic

As now all the insiders know the Third Conto Energia will provide concessionary fares for systems that give priority to the complete integration architecture. The GSE has published the "Guide to the innovative applications aimed architectural integration of photovoltaic" we can not avoid deeper into what will be a hot topic for the next three years.

The stated objective of the GSE is to encourage the installation of photovoltaic systems in the building, so that in the future, now more and more neighbor, is inconceivable to design a building of any type without systems for the production of energy from the sun. It is on this line of thought has been given a special section of the Third Conto Energia for roof integration, these plants will enjoy privileged tariffs in order to encourage development in this regard.

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