Incorrect installation can nullify energy efficiency

Increasing energy efficiency in buildings has opened new scenarios and new problems in buildings, linked both to obtaining the results in terms of lower fuel consumption, both to the quality of interventions. If on the one hand, we see an increasing refinement of technologies and materials above work, the other will begin to experience problems on power quality on the finished works.

One example are the works of great architects and recent accomplishments that Legambiente has downgraded the field through the thermal images made in his report "All Class A". Weak links in the chain building today about this aspect are the installation, in the case of building renovation, or carrying out the work in case of a new building. And it is not of issues to be underestimated because the creation of a thermal bridge, due to an embodiment not accurate, can be affected in a significant manner accurate design and the use of materials with high technological content, with practical results on the front of ' energy efficiency very disappointing.

One such case is the installation of thermal insulation that if one side has only advantages in terms of energy characteristics, on the other hand has a unique "Achilles heel": the execution of the work. The percentage of the gluing surface, in the case of coat devoid of an air gap, or the use of an adequate number of anchors in the case of mechanical fastening and accurate filling of the cavities with insulating material are some of the cases that must be closely monitored during the installation, as a finished work remains only the thermographic inspection and if the results were to be disappointing, to reopen the site to correct the defects could be very costly.

And you can not hide behind the lack of information because now you exit the pioneering stage efficiency, the materials are accompanied by detailed technical specifications and there are specific protocols for installation in a workmanlike manner. For these reasons, the only issues that can "justify" a bad installation are reducing working times, with the resulting "savings" on manpower.


Efficiency of the facades

And the frames in this framework play a key role, since they are the weak point of the chain of the insulation, capable, if not well made and installed equally well, to drastically lower the performance of the building system. The frame, although of excellent quality, in case the installation is approximate, may impact heavily on energy performance.

It is necessary to ensure compliance with the compatibility between the window frame and the wall opening intended to host it on the front geometry, which defines the dimensional tolerances, as well as one must take into account the large mechanical aspect, which is related to the stress of the wall opening and of the window and then care must be taken to the front chemical-physical environment in which we must take into account the interactions between the different elements.

The subframe, finally, is another critical aspect, because since its very nature is to compensate for the irregularities of the wall, if it is placed in a more than correct source of heat loss can be severe, such as those related to air infiltration. And its positioning is important because according to the position it is possible to know the thermal performance, since the attack of the frame leads to a distortion of the lines (isotherms) that connect the dots characterized by a constant temperature.

"All efforts on the frame must be translated into benefits in the facade. That is all the work you should not disperse due to errors made on site. It is a different view from the producers that if one side worked hard at the level of research and development on the frame, they have done a similar job on the frame laid. You need to make pressures on fabricators to proceed in this direction and make sure that what you tipping, on the one hand in training to the contractor, the other in design experience, to arrive at an elevation of skills.

The installation does not have to present a specific certification, as there are no fixed rules, then you must talk about voluntary qualification that is being promoted by the rules in force. According to the consortium planning the joint and testing it in the laboratory, as well as putting in place the window with qualified installers and end testing on site with specific tests, the problems should be limited. And by doing this you acquire the know-how to solve any problems.

To get good results, therefore, are not sufficient materials. You need to check the detail and accuracy of the pose of the frame with a constructive discussion with the construction company and with the artisans. In addition to this it is essential to carry out the tests and inspections of the pipeline that will become increasingly important becoming the market leverage. In Germany, for example, in the absence of evidence to certify the characteristics of the buildings more and more buyers give up the purchase of the property, a sign of the fact that energy issues of the properties will become increasingly important.

The market for sustainability over the next four years will increase at a rate of 6% per annum, and then increased further after 2016, today is just the beginning and will select, in time, processors and products. But not only. The passive house could turn into a financial asset in the short palatable for banks, since yields may be as high as about 11% per annum.


6 things to keep in mind


The critical points of the installation of the windows are:

1. mechanical resistance

2. stability to environmental stresses

3. watertightness

4. tightness

5. the absence of thermal and acoustic bridges

6. material compatibility




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