What are the renovations that will save energy?

The last few months have brought many innovations on the regulatory side, so let's see what are the main interventions feasible and incentives to which you can access with the relative costs and benefits in terms of energy consumption.

"With few exceptions, our homes are containers full of holes that we continue to replenish the energy in an attempt to maintain a level of satisfactory temperature. Structural interventions are needed to reverse the course, "reflects Daniela Petrone, architect and vice president of Anit (National Association for Thermal and Acoustic Insulation), which specializes in architecture and energy savings in buildings. "An apartment built in the sixties or seventies consumes up to 270 kWh per square meter per year, one made in the nineties between 120 and 150 kWh, while a well-insulated building today can reduce consumption between 20 and 50 kWh." Indicative figures that help to secure the necessary starting point for any intervention: to know how much your home consumes is critical to structure the most appropriate intervention. An answer to this effect comes from the consultation of the last bills.

The insulation reduces power consumption

An example may help to better understand the interventions and the benefits achievable. Consider an apartment of 100 square meters located on the third (top) floor of a building with central heating, built between the seventies and eighties, who has never undergone major renovations. And imagine having side walls 33 cm thick, with windows with single glass and wood frame, non-insulated flat roof and floor of the first neighboring apartment with garage is not heated.

"In a case like this," says Petrone, "the apartment consumes an average of 150 kWh per square meter per year, with the coverage that constitutes the most dispersant (is responsible for one-third) of heat loss, in front of windows (17%) and the walls (with 12%). " The advice of the expert is to proceed first with the insulation of the roof, through an insulator of 12-15 centimeters, "with plates that have cost about 25-30 euro per square meter." In the home taken as an example, the outlay would, therefore, around 2,500-3,000 euro, with benefits in fuel consumption (and thus in the bill) quantifiable at around 20%. In addition you can also intervene on the walls, "filling the air cavity with loose-fill insulation material." The cost of the intervention would double, but the same would also apply for the benefit.


Via the work faster with the Wake

Usually the approach to building renovation is intended solely as a cost. On the contrary, should be understood in the same way as an investment, given the benefits that may ensue. In this sense it can be useful, for example, to match the work to save energy to other work overtime (such as the renovation of the waterproofing of roofs or exterior plaster) already budgeted. The total outlay would thus be less than the sum of the two measures, while the yield would be higher, given that it would act on a global perspective of reducing energy consumption, improving the overall efficiency of the building.

In addition, from August 2 and came into force on the Trail (Reporting of Certified Home Activity), which replaces the old Dia, allowing the start of work on the same day in which it is presented in the Municipality. Since then, the authorities have 60 days to make any checks. The Trail can be applied to all properties, except when there are no constraints on environmental, heritage and culture.


What incentives?

In favor of ecological choice plays also the possibility to deduct 55% of all expenses incurred for energy upgrading of buildings, with a ceiling of EUR 181 thousand, repayable in five annual installments. A measure which, however, will expire at the end of 2010, without prejudging the horizon is a renewal of the incentive. It is therefore necessary to act quickly to avoid being cut off from the benefit. At that point you will only have to fall back on the less generous deduction of 36% provided for all building renovations, to be repaid in ten annual installments.




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